Cfm background |
heightSwitch | custom |
widthSwitch | auto |
image | https://images.pexels.com/photos/262438/pexels-photo-262438.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&w=1800 |
backgroundColor | #352C63 |
imageName | Red and White Dart on Darts Board |
imagePosition | Center |
textColorPalette | Recently used |
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borderRadius | 0.06 |
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imageType | Stock images |
backgroundColorPalette | Recently used |
verticalTextAlignment | center |
Goal in FocusHOLA |
A group of people working tirelessly without a clear vision will end up nowhere. Morale will decline and will drain energy. Great leaders always keep reminding themselves and their teams of the bigger picture. Individual agendas fall second in successful organizations, and the greater good is a priority.